Homepage Forums General Discussion Testing the translation function


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  • #6404


    Hi, all – this is the section where we can test the translation function of the AWN discussion forum. I will be asking native speakers of a number of different languages to post comments in their mother tongue – and also to let us know how the translations of other comments look to them. Google Translate does have an option for users to add to their “vocabulary”, and I suspect that some of our sector-specific terminology may need to be translated by folks in our community and shared with the Google Translate team. I hope to have a “button” that will allow us to do this easily. In the meantime, please do feel free to post comments, questions and/or random text so that we can see how well this works. And thanks for your help – you are awesome! Linda

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Linda.


    La traduzione in Italiano è migliorabile. un testo facile come quello della tua introduzione qui sopra può essere letto facilmente ma ho impressione che testi più complessi possano creare più difficolta.


    Oneida Platt

    Je teste la fonction de traduction de ce site. Pouvez-vous lire cela dans d’autres langues?



    Смогут ли люди увидеть всю дискуссионную тему на своем предпочтительном языке?




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