- Discussion
- Topics
Capacity Strengthening
What are the best practices in organizational capacity strengthening? What lessons have we learned? Can we show real progress?
- 1
Local/National/Regional NGOs
What are the particular challenges that local, national and regional NGOs are facing? Are relationships with international NGOs, UN agencies, donors, etc changing as a result of the Charter for Change, Grand Bargain, etc? How can we all work better together in support of vulnerable communities?
- 1
Cash Programming
What's new in the world of cash programming?
- 2
General Discussion
This is the central place for discussion topics which can be pulled out into new forums as appropriate.
- 50
- Health
- 11
- Security
- 0
Shelter and Settlements
What's new in the world of Shelter and Settlements?
- 3
- Training
- 3
World Humanitarian Summit
The World Humanitarian Summit took place in May 2016. Participants discussed a wide range of topics and made a lot of commitments. How are we following up? How do we keep moving forward?
- 3
Capacity Strengthening
Disclaimer: The opinions and information posted by individuals, consultants and vendors on this website do not reflect the views of Aid Workers Network (AWN) and have not been reviewed or verified in any way by AWN. Consultant, vendor or volunteer participation on this site does not constitute AWN’s endorsement of those persons, organizations or their products.